nacho libre – ydü sözlük – kibris ta bir sözlükcük | artik haber daha yakin
encarnaiõn - where are you taking me to ignãcio ?

ignãcio - i've seen a bum here sister,actually there were two bums.i think we should speak to these guys about the gospel.

e - where are they ?

i - i didn't see'em yet,they would be here in a minute.

e - ... where is your robe ignãcio ?

i - they were ... stinky .. but these are my rural clothes .

e - they look expensive .

i - yes .. i mean,they may have the appereance of the riches .. but beneath the clothes , we find a man .. and beneath the man .. we find .. his .. nucleous ... (!)

e - nucleous ??!

i - .. yeesss .. (??)
yanda her gordugumda 'nano ibne' olarak olarak okudugum ve her seferinde sasırıp 'vay bee' dedigim baslık.
partiye eline kontrbası alıp gelmesi bi perde koparmış,sıranın ona geldiği söylenince aldığı yüz ifadesi ve arkasından patlattığı süpersonik-melodik şarkı ise öldürmüştür .

i'm singing at the party ...

i'm singing,it's my turn to sing at the party ...

everybody's dancing happy party ...

..but ramses is not dancing,he does not dance at the parties ..

ramses number one he knows the secrets of desire (parabarabarabira ri barap bap biri bap bab bap)

ramses number one he puts the people all on fire (parararababarra bi barabapbap ... )
derhal edinilsin dünya tarafından bu film .. jack black sen bir ilahsın bu da bilinsin ...


esquèleô - surprise !

nacho - get the corn out of my face !

n - i looked like a fool last night ! what took you so long ??

e - ...

n - ahhh .. its no use . i want to be a great fighter . but i can't beat a couple of guys in the street !

e - nacho ... i know who can help you !

n - yeah .. the lord ??

e - no ! he's a water gypsy . he knows where to find eagle eggs!

n - eagle eggs ?!! i'm not speaking to you,you're crazy !

e - nacho,i'm telling you,this is for real.his eagle eggs possess magical powers ! you can become the greatest fighter who ever lived !!
